SQE1 Exam Preparation

100% syllabus coverage
BPP learning resources
BPP's Achievement Ladder
Full Mock Exam
Dedicated SQE forums
Regular progress tests
Course Overview
Full flexibility to study for the SQE1 exams – the way you want to. StaySharp’s SQE1 Exam Preparation offers a flexible way to self-study for the SQE1 assessments. You’ll get all the course materials and workbooks you need for all the law and legal practice subjects covered on the SQE1 centralised assessments, with access for 18 months. After each topic, you will undertake multiple-choice practice questions (MCQs) to consolidate your knowledge, along with a Progress Test with exam standard questions. You also get a full mock exam to help you practice for the real assessments. With full flexibility, you can study at the pace which suits you best and prepare for the SQE1 exam date of your choice.
Course Structure
Your fast track to SQE success. Unlock your potential for less.
Renews every 365 Days£2,500£138.88/month billed upfront
14-day FREE trial, then a one-off payment of £2,500
How it works

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