Complaints Policy
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StaySharp Education Limited is committed to providing a high-quality service. We hope that you enjoy your time with StaySharp, and we help you to realise your career and personal goals; and that ultimately you would recommend us to a friend. However, we recognise that sometimes we may not get it right and, when that is the case, we value your feedback and the opportunity to put it right. You will never suffer disadvantage as a consequence of making a genuine complaint.
Under the complaints policy StaySharp can look at:
- Issues around the administration or operation of process or service provided by StaySharp
- The delivery or administration of your online courses, e.g. quality of the learning materials
- The conduct of a member of staff of StaySharp, e.g. discrimination
- Subject to the following exceptions, any other matter concerning the operation of StaySharp which adversely and unfairly affects you, and which is under StaySharp’s control
StaySharp will not consider complaints in relation to:
- Externally set examinations, e.g. professional qualifications, which should be directed towards the relevant body
- Issues which are subject to court or tribunal proceedings and those proceedings have concluded, or the matter is the subject of court or tribunal procedures that have not been stayed
- Your employment.
Anonymous complaints
Anonymous complaints may be considered by StaySharp. Whether, and how, they are investigated shall be determined by a member of the StaySharp team. StaySharp will seek to resolve complaints in a timely manner and the StaySharp staff tasked to investigate complaints will do so impartially and objectively.
Making a complaint
You can make a complaint by emailing
If you have a complaint about an individual, we ask that you do not raise it in a public forum (e.g. a forum or focus group). Complaints should be made as close as possible to the issue about which you are complaining. This will ensure that we can properly investigate and resolve the issue.
Once you have raised a complaint, the member of staff working on your case will seek to resolve the matter within 14 working days. In trying to resolve the complaint, we may liaise with other members of StaySharp staff, and if the complaint is against a member of staff or another learner, the member of staff or learner will be told of the complaint against them and given the opportunity to respond to it. In exceptionally serious cases, and in particular where disciplinary action against a member of staff or learner may be necessary, your complaint will be escalated to a member of the management team at StaySharp.
We hope that your concern will be dealt with to your satisfaction.
Not satisfied with the response?
If you are not satisfied with our response, you can open a new case. In these circumstances, it will be escalated to a manager within the team for investigation. You should do so as soon as possible after our response, and within 40 calendar days of the issue you are complaining about. You should provide any documentation or evidence you are relying on to support the complaint, and detail the remedy you seek.
The process will not be bound by legal rules of evidence. You may also be contacted to provide further information as part of the investigation. You will be notified of the findings and recommendations of the investigation in writing (normally by email) and any relevant information that informs the findings and the action, if any, to be taken.

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