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SQE1 Exam Preparation

SQE1 Exam Preparation

The SQE1 Exam Preparation course provides you with all the knowledge and materials you need to self-study and prepare for the SQE1 centralised assessments. Study on your schedule with on-demand access to leading learning materials created by experienced law tutors.

How it works

  • Step 1
    Start your 14-day free trial
    Your first two weeks are on us. No credit checks, no cancellation fees, no catch.
  • Step 2
    Study anytime, anywhere
    Get instant access to all your learning content to study anytime, anywhere
  • Step 3
    Learn at your pace
    Our progress tests and BPP achievement ladder help keep you on track.
"I found StaySharp to be an excellent platform to use... The fact that tutors are there on hand with regular drop-in sessions is incredibly beneficial."
Ellen Sheehan CIPD Level 3
"I feel more confident in my abilities and ready to take on more strategic responsibilities within my organisation."
Billy Bellion CIPD Level 5
"Their reputation for delivering high quality education and comprehensive support was very impressive. I recommend them to anybody who is wishing to study this qualification"
Henry Wright CIPD Level 3
"I chose StaySharp because they offered the most flexibility in terms of payment as well as the timeline for doing the course, so I can fit it around working full time."
Katy Baetjer CIPD Level 3
"The monthly pricing of the program is very competitive... The content is very good, it opens your eyes."
Michael Reid CIPD Level 5
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Save time. Save money.
Study with StaySharp.

Everything you need to accelerate your career: expert content, flexibility, and affordability.

Traditional providers
Total cost of CIPD Level 5 course +£3,000 £2,050
Approved provider status
Access to 100% of the syllabus
Structured learning plans
Feedback on personalised areas of progress
Start straight away
14-day free trial
Lowest Price Guarantee
Interactive and engaging online content
Flexibility to stop and start at any point*
Ability to cancel at any point*

* Ability to start/stop or cancel at any point is only available on our subscription payment options.

Included with every StaySharp course.

No matter which course you choose, or how you decide to pay, you’ll always get everything you need to excel at your exams.
  • Unlimited access to your entire syllabus from day one

  • All levels and modules in one package, ready for you as you progress

  • Approved BPP study notes, past papers, practice questions and revision kits

  • Expert support from our team of tutors via live chat

  • Access to the StaySharp community through forums and discussion groups

  • Professional body registration and examination fees are not included

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